Friday 23 March 2012

Questionnaire: Target Audeince Feedback

As I have finished making my adverts i have decided to create a questionnaire on Google forms in order to get some audience feedback, which will enable me to see whether my target audience understood my advert and if they found it engaging. The question's I asked were as follows:

1) What is your first inital thought of my advert?

2) What could i do in order to improve my advert?

3) Did my radio advert give off the same concept of my adverts?

4) Why did you not think my radio advert did not have the same concept?

5) If you saw this advert on TV would you pay any attention to it?

6) Why would you not pay attention to it ?

7) Would you take notice of this product on the shelf if in a supermarket?

8) Why would you not take notice of this product on the shelf in a supermarket?

9) Did you find the stop motion aspect to my advert visually appealing?

I made my questionnaire in google docs. It was easy and straight foward to do. All you had to do is click on new quesion, type in what exactly you wanted to ask and chose in which way you wanted the audience to answer for exmple a text box or multiple choice question. I feel that my questions will allow me to get the appropriate feedback i need in order to help me write my evaluation.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Concept of consumption

who im sponsering and why

Radio Advert

Before I recorded my radio advert i had to make sure I knew exactly what i was saying so I had to pre write a script to follow. When writing this I had to make sure that i made it obvious what exactly i was trying to promote also making sure at the same time i was making it engaging to the audience in order to entice them to want to buy my product. I used the same music in the background as well as it being in the 30 second adverts so if the audience of the radio advert have seem my advert on TV they will recognize the music in the background and remember my TV advert. This is good because it gives you maximum advertising capability. I tried to make this radio advert as personal as possible so that my audience feels involved, so to do this i have asked rhetorical questions, and some of the key words being 'you' and 'your' in lines such as "we have the flavor to suit you". I also wanted to bear in mind that most radio adverts are about 20-30 seconds long, so I wanted to keep in the region of this.

Script for radio ad:

Do you need a sugar fix?
Feeling low and need a buzz?
Are you looking for some new sweets with a juicy flavor?

Try new fruities,
We have got the flavor that for fills your happiness,
Keeps you at peace,
and will make you fall head over heels in love with them.

Try new fruities!,
We have the flavor to suit you.

Fruity, Fabulous, Fun.

Meeting with teacher

Today i caught up with my teacher to evaluate my first draft of my adverts. Once he watched through one at the end of watching it he gave me his opinion and what i could do to improve it. For the first one he said he liked it but i needed to change a few things around such as when the voice over comes in and i have to have it in time to my logo.