Saturday 7 April 2012

Making my Radio Advert

In order to understand how garage band worked our teacher gave us a demonstration of how to use garage band. This gave me the opportunity to understand how the software worked and understand things such as inverting music, learn about male voice and female voice, and where to drag and drop stuff if we needed too.

Before I recorded my radio advert I had to make sure I knew exactly what I was saying so I had to pre write a script to follow. When writing this I had to make sure that I made it obvious what exactly I was trying to promote also making sure at the same time I was making it engaging to the audience in order to entice them to want to buy my product. I used the same music in the background as well as it being in the 30 second adverts so if the audience of the radio advert have seem my advert on TV they will recognize the music in the background and remember my TV advert. This is good because it gives you maximum advertising capability. I tried to make this radio advert as personal as possible so that my audience feels involved, so to do this I have asked rhetorical questions, and some of the key words being 'you' and 'your' in lines such as "we have the flavor to suit you". I also wanted to bear in mind that most radio adverts are about 20-30 seconds long, so I wanted to keep in the region of this.

Once I had written out my script and checked over it to see if it was appropriate and relevant with what I was promoting, I then had to get my actor to record it in garage band. In order to record this I had to open up garage band, click 'create new pod cast' and then this would open the main page for garage band. Firstly I chose the male voice as I had my brother to do the voice over for me. Once I had selected male voice I simply clicked the record button and let me brother read the script. It was very important to keep static when recording so that my brother’s voice was the same throughout. It was also important to make sure we were in a quiet place whilst recording so that I didn’t pick up any unwanted background noise. In order for me to achieve what I was hoping to achieve I had to get my brother to do this a few times. Problems that he faced were being able to keep his voice with the same amount of energy throughout. I also tried to encourage him to put more emphasis into certain words so that it sounded more effective to the audience. To over come these problems we did a few test tries and eventually after a few practice turns I got what I needed.

Once I had the correct voice over I then had to think about putting background music into it. I have chose to put the more fast beat music into the background as I feel it is quite a catchy beat and people will remember it, and for my audience that has seen my two thirty second adverts they can make reconciliation within it. For me to get my music into garage band I had to get my song choice and drag and drop it onto my desktop. Once I had done this I dragged and dropped my song into my garage band file and dropped it where necessary. In order for my music to fit I had to cut it down slightly otherwise the music would have run on to long. I also had to fade out the music at the end so it didn’t sound like it was just stopping. Once I had made these changes I feel as if my advert is of a good quality and the context within it is very relevant to what I am trying to promote.

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