Sunday, 5 February 2012

03/01/2012 Evaulating my work with my teacher

In today's media session, my media teacher sat down and looked over my first advert. Although he said he enjoyed it, he felt there were many thing i could do to improve it. The first thing he said was i could have a voice over into it. The second thing he mentioned was i had to have appropriate music in terms of it has to flow with my advert and fit in. Thirdly he said that i need to think about the way in which i have made it more specifically. Because in my advert i have random shapes and signs such as peace symbols, he said it would be better to do one advert with shapes and then another with just signs, therefore i would be getting my point across better and it would make more sence in what i am trying to portray. He also mentioned that i could cut the first 15 seconds of my advert down and maybe put something else there. He also mentioned he did not like my original idea of my product brand name "Rainbow Rocks". His reasoning for this was that he felt it was a rip off of skittles and the rocks sounded not too great. I have taken all of what he has said on board and this weekend shall be re-shooting my advert and re-thinking a new product brand name. I shall also investigate into looking at some non copyright music.

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