Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Radio Advert Session

In today's media lesson, we went through how to use the program Garage band. We did this because we will be making our Radio adverts by using this program, so this will help me when i come to do it and give me a better understanding of certain things we could do within this program. When doing a radio advert it is important to remeber its 3 major components; Musical jingles, the advertising voice and sound effects. It is important to remeber these three components when making my own radio advert as i will have to think about each one carefully and decide on what kind of sound effects and what voice would fit in well with what i am trying to promote.

For recording a voice over there are two possible ways in which to do this in garage band. The first way is to get an mp3 player and record it through speaking into it, then upload it into garage band as the voice over. The second way is to record straight into the mac. Recording into the mac is a lot more effecient as it is more clear and there will be no background noise if you make sure you are sat down whilst recoding, whereas if you were to have to mp3 it would not be too clear and you voice would change and sound different if you were walking around, so if you were to do it this way standing still would be the best option as if it were destorted you would not be able to fix it.
In order to open garage band, first of all you would open up garage band, then select open podcast, then select male/female voice based on who you want to be talking, then record clip, then stop. It is important when you are recording to maintain the same voice levels throughout and try and sound the same as possible, as if you were high on a certain part of the recoding, then low, the advert would not seem as smooth.

In order to open up sound effect you would click on the eye. There is also an option to open up the jingles at the bottom left hand corner in garage band, which are free to use and many different options. However if you wanted your own sound clip in there you would have to go to a copyright free sight and fing an uncopyrighted song and then download it into garage band. Once you have downloaded it into garage band you just drag and drop the music/jingle into the relevant bar.

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